2015年4月23日 星期四

When the American bull meets the Chinese dragon

When the American bull meets the Chinese dragon

The British Pound was sliding down in March against US Dollar.  After a rebound in February from USD 1.506 : GBP 1 to 1.544, Sterling against the Dollar dropped to 1.482 at the end of March.  On 10 April, a low was reached at USD 1.463 : GBP 1.  9 months ago on 10 July 2014, the GBP USD exchange rate was 1.713.  The British Pound has weakened by 14.6% against USD in 9 months.  Why?  It is easy to blame it on Greece and the money printing policy by European Central Bank.  Also need to give US a round of applause as the mighty Dollar is gaining across the board as FED tighten up their monetary policy and looking at increasing interest rate.  Will GBP keep falling against the USD?  There are some fund managers starting to take profit on the long Dollar story.  So perhaps there will be technical rebound in GBP against the Dollar.  With the UK election poll looking indecisive between the Conservative and the Labour, GBP should be choppy and could have more downside.

Chinese stock market daily turnover reached GBP 193 billion (CNY 1800 billion) on 20th April.  The Shanghai Shenzhen 300 index has gone up 120% in one year.  Yes, it is not a typo, 120%.  Over 30% gain since the beginning of this year.  Most of the stock names will sound very foreign to the western world.  Ping An Insurance, China Merchants Bank, China Vanke (property developer), Kwei Chow Moutai and Wu Liang Ye (these two are Chinese vodka makers).  Maybe easier to buy ETFs or funds that track the Chinese stock market.  Let’s learn more about the Chinese dragon.

Every netizen in China knows about BAT.  BAT stands for Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent.  Baidu is the Chinese Google.  Alibaba is the Chinese Amazon.  Tencent is Chinese Whatsapp and an online game giant.  Funny enough, BAT are not listed in China.  Baidu and Alibaba are listed in US.  Tencent is listed in Hong Kong.  Baidu is up 33% in a year but the share price actually came off from USD 250 level to USD 210 since last November. Baidu is a USD 74 billion company versus Google USD 377 billion as of 24th April 2015.  Alibaba (stock code is BABA) was listed last year at USD 68 in September last year and reached USD 120 in November.  Similar to Baidu, BABA share price has gone south and now to USD 80 level.  BABA is a USD 203 billion company versus Amazon USD 181 billion.  Tencent share price is up 51% in 1 year and it is currently 20% higher than its November peak.  It is a USD 194 billion company versus Facebook USD 233 billion.  Looking at these numbers, the Chinese BAT can put up a good fight against the American FAG (Facebook Amazon Google).

“One Belt, One Road” means China President Xi Jinping’s plan to develop the Silk Road Economic Belt.  Building roads, railways, ports and other infrastructure projects to develop a modern version of the Silk Road.  To come up with the investment, China led the formation of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.  It is kind of a World Bank with an Asian spice.  The market expects a lot of money will be poured into this plan and this is one of the trigger points of the China stock market rally. 

The Chinese dragon sent a fire ball to Hong Kong after Easter and Hong Kong stock market recorded HKD 252 billion (GBP 22 billion) on 8 April breaking all turnover record in the last bull run in 2007.  The Hong Kong Exchange and Shanghai Stock Exchange launched HongKong Shanghai Connect last year which allow investors from either exchange to access the other.  Mainland China investors can buy Hong Kong shares through Shanghai Stock Exchange and the flow spiked up after Easter as hot money spilled over to Hong Kong.  Hang Seng Index is the benchmark index for the Hong Kong stock market and it is up 27% in a year, 18% year to date as of 24 April.  Considering Hong Kong went through Occupy Central last year, such performance in the stock market does not quite fit the picture of thousands of protestors camping on the main road.

